Schedule of Events:
Please find the initial schedule for the conference below. The conference is scheduled to commence on Tuesday, December 3rd at 9:00 AM, with registration and pre-conference workshops beginning at 7:30 AM. The event will wrap up on Wednesday, December 4th at 1:00 PM, allowing attendees sufficient time to travel to the airport for late afternoon and early evening departures. We advise attendees to plan their arrival for Monday, December 2nd.
Check-In, Badge Pickup, Exhibitor Set-Up
Platinum Ballroom Foyer
Breakfast Session: Innovative Procurement Options for Delivering Your Housing Needs
Platinum Ballroom GH
This session requires an RSVP. Click here to reserve your spot.
Join industry leaders and AIAI members for breakfast and an interactive conversation specifically tailored to the needs of owners. This pre-conference session is designed for those beginning to explore Public-Private Partnerships and alternative delivery structures to gain a better understanding of where they can be applicable. Learn about when alternative delivery makes sense to advance, the major considerations that need to be made when choosing this...
Welcome Address and Opening Remarks with the Honorable Jason Pu, Regional Administrator for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Platinum Ballroom ABC
Guests will be welcomed with an introduction to this year’s program and acknowledgments of our sponsors, speakers, and event partners. The opening remarks will also feature the Honorable Jason Pu, Regional Administrator for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
9:20 AM - 10:10 AM | PLENARY SESSION
The State of the Housing Market and Future Outlook
Platinum Ballroom ABC
This session provides a detailed overview of the California housing market, analyzing its current state and future outlook. We start by examining macrotrends affecting housing, such as policy shifts, modular housing innovations, and changes in the capital markets. Our discussion then covers diverse deal-making strategies and...
10:10 AM - 11:00 AM | PLENARY SESSION
Tackling California’s Housing Shortage by Expanding Opportunities for the Public and Private Sectors to Work Together
Platinum Ballroom ABC
A survey of recent articles and editorials published across California suggests our housing shortage is complicated by a myriad of issues that have developed over time making it difficult to quickly and successfully add more housing where it is most needed. While there may no general statewide consensus on the “why” behind California’s state-wide housing challenges, there are many potential solutions that are worth exploring. During this session...
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM | NETWORKING
Coffee Break
Expo Hall
Mastering Affordable Housing Finance: A Comprehensive Discussion on Tax Credits and Bonds
Platinum Ballroom ABC
This session will explore the core elements of affordable housing finance, designed to benefit both newcomers and seasoned professionals. We’ll focus on the critical role of Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) and...
A Guide to Credit Ratings for Public Housing and CDFIs
Platinum Ballroom F
Join us for an informative session where we explore the role of credit ratings, credit risk research, and benchmarks in supporting Public Housing Authorities and CDFIs. Our discussion will be enriched by insights from our experienced analysts...
Activating The Private Sector To Solve Homelessness
Platinum Ballroom GH
Homelessness will require robust private-public partnerships, but most of the private sector talent and resources are sitting on the sidelines expressing their frustrations at cities and counties' inability to solve homelessness...
Approaches to Sustaining Affordable Multifamily Housing
Platinum Ballroom IJ
This session will explore the innovative strategies used to preserve naturally occurring affordable multifamily housing in urban areas. Using the recent acquisition of a Baldwin Village property as a case study, panelists will discuss how Avanath Capital Management partnered with the City of Los Angeles to secure a long-term affordable housing covenant. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the legal, regulatory, and financial frameworks involved, as well as practical guidance on how these approaches can be applied across California to ensure the long-term affordability of similar properties.
12:15 PM – 2:00 PM | LUNCH
Table Talks: A Luncheon for Networking
Expo Hall
1:15 PM - 1:50 PM | LUNCH SESSION
LA4LA: Unlocking Housing via Public-Private Partnerships
Platinum Ballroom ABC
Los Angeles' housing and homelessness crisis is too large for the government to tackle alone, which is why LA4LA was created to engage the private and philanthropic sectors.
In this discussion, Sarah Dusseault (Lead Strategist for LA4LA) will explore how the organization is leveraging public-private-philanthropic partnerships to: 1) swiftly identify and capitalize stalled affordable housing developments, 2) scale the purchase and master leasing of affordable housing units, and 3) innovate existing models for financing permanent supportive housing. She will be joined by lender and developer partners, who will showcase how affordable housing and shelter solutions can be delivered more quickly and efficiently with the right collaboration.
Architectural Design in Affordable Housing: Opportunities and Constraints
Platinum Ballroom ABC
Join us to explore the intersection of design and development in the affordable housing sector. Housing authorities, local governments, and investors will gain insights into how design contributes to the overall success of affordable housing development projects from diverse stakeholder perspectives...
Operationalizing Emergency Interim Housing and Safe Outdoor Sleeping Sites: Quick Build Solutions for Urban Spaces
Platinum Ballroom F
As cities grapple with housing shortages and homelessness, quick-build solutions in urban spaces have emerged as a pivotal strategy to address these challenges. This session will delve into the practical aspects of operationalizing Emergency Interim Housing (EIH) and Safe Outdoor Sleeping Sites (SOS) within urban environments.
Are You Down With TOD? Innovative Strategies, Utilizing Transit-Oriented Development and Other Tools to Address Housing Needs
Platinum Ballroom GH
Traditionally, the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) model involved the government constructing transit stations while the private sector followed suit with housing developments. However, today’s landscape demands a more innovative approach. Join us for an engaging discussion on innovative strategies and tools available to owners looking to address their housing needs in their communities including utilizing TOD incentives.
How Can We Push California’s Capacity To Reduce Project Delays and Produce More Affordable Housing?
Platinum Ballroom IJ
California's housing shortage has reached a critical point. There is currently a shortage of almost 973,000 rental homes affordable and available for extremely low-income renters. This dire situation demands innovative and aggressive solutions. Traditional development timelines, plagued by delays and bureaucratic hurdles, are no longer sustainable. To meet the overwhelming demand for affordable housing, all stakeholders in California—from developers and lenders to government officials and policymakers—must unite in a concerted effort to accelerate the production of new housing.
The Developer Perspective on California: What is Driving the Exodus of Developers from California and What Potential Solutions Should Cities be Considering
Platinum Ballroom ABC
As California grapples with unprecedented housing challenges, a significant question looms: Why are developers increasingly steering clear of the Golden State, and what can be done to reverse this trend?
Understanding California's Surplus Land Act: Challenges and Opportunities in Public Land Utilization
Platinum Ballroom F
This session will explore California's Surplus Land Act (the "Act")—a critical yet often misunderstood policy aimed at addressing the state's housing crisis by leveraging unused or surplus public land for affordable housing and community development.
Collaborating for Change: The West LA Veterans Campus Transformation and Its Impact on Veteran Homelessness
Platinum Ballroom GH
The West Los Angeles Veterans Administration Campus, established in 1887, stands as a historic sanctuary and home for military Veterans in the heart of our city. Today, the North Campus is undergoing a renovation and...
Housing Law Jeopardy!
Platinum Ballroom IJ
In recent years, the laws impacting how local jurisdictions can and cannot control housing development have changed in numerous ways. Using a Jeopardy! game show format, learn about recent changes in California housing laws, with a focus on the Housing Accountability and...
Innovative Strategies to Deliver Workforce Housing
Platinum Ballroom ABC
Housing for middle-income households is critical to attract and retain teachers, healthcare workers, police officers, and other public safety personnel. Yet, a major challenge in California's housing crisis is developing housing that is affordable to a wide range of the workforce. This panel will focus on alternative housing models and how they can be scaled to serve middle-income households,
Housing Justice for All
Platinum Ballroom F
As California deals with our worsening affordable housing crisis, tenants’ rights have emerged as a critical focal point for ensuring equitable and sustainable living conditions. This session will delve into various approaches to fortifying tenants’ rights, addressing key issues such as affordability, security of tenure, and access to essential services. We will explore...
Addressing Housing Policy in a Transitional Funding Landscape
Platinum Ballroom GH
Los Angeles and the State of California are being challenged to reimagine our approach to meet the affordable housing needs of our communities with limited resources and rising costs for construction and operations. LA leaders have worked to pass local measures to assist with funding and there are niche resources like Inflation Reduction Funds slated for deployment to address housing needs. Join local housing leaders to learn about evolving public funding landscapes and discuss policies that could help unlock increased production.
Hiding in Plain Sight: Adaptive Re-Use of Hospitals as Affordable and Workforce Housing
Platinum Ballroom IJ
As the housing crisis deepens, the increasing closure of hospitals in affected communities offers a unique opportunity to repurpose these facilities into essential community housing. This presentation highlights the adaptive re-use potential of the recently closed Saint Vincent Medical Center in Los Angeles...
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM | NETWORKING
Cocktails and Connections: An Evening Reception
Expo Hall
7:30 AM – 9:00 AM | BREAKFAST
Morning Mingle: Networking Breakfast
Expo Hall
Housing Preservation: Strategies to Keep Existing Housing Stock Online
Platinum Ballroom ABC
This session will explore unique strategies to keep existing housing stocks online including sustainability considerations and funding from HUD’s Green Retrofit program, clever financing strategies that cities and counties are undertaking, and other tactics to keep mid-tier properties viable over the long haul. Join us to learn how municipalities across the country are positioning their existing housing stocks to serve communities now and in the future.
Sustainability in Affordable Housing: Navigating New Energy Efficiency Standards
Platinum Ballroom GH
As California tackles its housing crisis while pursuing ambitious climate goals, affordable housing providers face growing pressure to incorporate sustainability into their developments. This session will cover the latest energy efficiency standards from HUD and California’s evolving regulations. We’ll discuss HUD’s new energy requirements, their alignment with California’s climate policies, and the challenges they pose for housing developers, including financing and retrofitting older properties. Discover innovative funding strategies...
Open House LA: Collaborating Across The Provider, Developer And Government Sectors
Platinum Ballroom ABC
Led by KPMG, this panel dives into the multifaceted challenges of Los Angeles’ housing crisis and homelessness, with a special emphasis on the role of collaboration in affordable housing development. Bringing together leaders from the homelessness services sector, housing developers, and government entities, this session will highlight best practices and lessons learned from successful partnerships...
Expectations of the HUD NEPA Process
Platinum Ballroom F
Projects receiving HUD funds (including loans, mortgage insurance, performance-based vouchers, and grants) are required to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act. Earlier this year, the NEPA regulations were updated and concurrently, HUD requirements associated with in reference to floodplain management and radon. Our panel will include discussions concerning what additional information, reviews, and processes are required to comply with these new requisites.
Making it Happen – Success Stories in Affordable Housing
Platinum Ballroom GH
Join us for an insightful panel where experts from both public agencies and the private sector will share success stories in affordable housing development, highlighting the partnerships, funding strategies, and innovative solutions that made these projects possible. This session will feature case studies from...
Housing Legislative Landscape: Navigating New Laws for Housing Production
Platinum Ballroom IJ
Feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of new housing laws? This session will be your guide. Our expert panel will break down the latest legislative developments into three key categories, helping you better understand how they impact housing approval and production across California.
10:00 AM – 10:50 AM | MORNING SESSIONS
Addressing the Missing Middle: The Prospect for Workforce Housing
Platinum Ballroom ABC
In recent years, government officials have highlighted the lack of convenient and affordable housing for the workforce that is critical to a properly functioning community. The increasing need for workforce housing is evident in large cities like...
Affordable Housing Strategies for Smaller Jurisdictions and Tourist-Based Economies
Platinum Ballroom F
This session will cover the unique challenges and innovative solutions for affordable housing in smaller jurisdictions and regions with tourism-driven economies. It will cover strategies to preserve naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH) and...
Understanding “Electively Affordable” Housing: Market-Driven Solutions for Below-Market-Rate Developments
Platinum Ballroom GH
While affordable housing remains a pressing issue, government-subsidized solutions alone cannot meet the growing demand. To truly address the housing shortage, it is essential to engage market-driven approaches that promote the development of non-subsidized, below-market-rate housing.
Solving Unsheltered Homelessness with Tiny Homes and Modular Innovations
Platinum Ballroom IJ
As Housing First policies have shifted to be more inclusive of interim housing and different structures, tiny homes and related structures are exploding as a popular strategy to practically, economically, and humanely move people from living on the streets to having safe, private, and sanitary spaces.
10:50 AM - 11:10 AM | NETWORKING
Coffee Break
Expo Hall
How Cities and Municipalities Are Utilizing Alternative Delivery to Meet Housing Needs and What We Can Learn
Platinum Ballroom ABC
This panel will explore the successful collaborations between municipalities and developers in addressing housing challenges and creating sustainable communities. We will highlight case studies where innovative partnerships have led to effective problem-solving and the avoidance of obstacles in the housing development process.
Unlawful Camping and the Supreme Court’s Decision in Grants Pass
Platinum Ballroom F
Engaging discussion on implementing best practices, enforcement tools and other considerations to assist local agencies with unlawful camping, hoarding, and related nuisance activity in the wake of the recent Supreme Court decision on the Grants Pass case.
The Public Engagement Lab: How Engaging The Local Community Supports Relevant Design Outcomes
Platinum Ballroom GH
With increasing socio-economic disparities and the demand for enhanced accountability from both public and private sectors, there is a growing emphasis on improved public engagement for equitable development. This session will explore how Gensler’s Public Engagement Lab approaches intentional and meaningful community engagement leading to more impactful, just, and resilient outcomes in design.
Rent Stabilization and Tenant Protection Ordinances – Cautionary Tales & Success Stories
Platinum Ballroom IJ
Many jurisdictions throughout California are creating or strengthening their Tenant Protection Ordinances to include protections that exceed the State requirements. Join us for a conversation to get insight on the cautionary tales and success stories from jurisdictions that have recently adopted Tenant Protection Ordinances.
12:10 PM – 12:45 PM | PLENARY SESSION
Mayors on the Frontline of Housing
Platinum Ballroom ABC
In the face of growing housing crises across the nation, mayors are stepping up to spearhead innovative solutions. This conversation explores the frontline experience in addressing housing shortages, affordability issues, and homelessness. Attendees will gain insights into successful strategies and partnerships that have been implemented to tackle these challenges. From leveraging public-private partnerships to initiating community-driven housing projects, this discussion will provide practical takeaways and new potential approaches.
Conference Ends | Exhibitor Breakdown